- Make sure that Tcl/TK 8.4 (or higher) is installed. Type which
wish to find out whether Tcl/TK is there. Since it is part of any
decent Linux distribution, it should be already there. Otherwise it
can be easily installed from your Linux CD-ROM set or from
If you have an earlier version of Tcl/Tk, TKAlbum might still run,
but I cannot guarantee it. (Debian packages: tcl8.4 and tk8.4)
- Make sure that Perl is installed. Type which perl
to find out. If it is not there, install it from your Linux CD-ROM
set or from http://www.perl.com/. (Debian package: perl)
- Check whether the IJG JPEG programs have been
installed. If which jpegtran, which rdjpgcom, and
which wrjpgcom are successful, you don't need anything to
do. Otherwise install jpeg-xxxx.i386.rpm from your Linux CD-ROM set or
download the programs from http://www.ijg.org/. (Debian package: libjpeg-progs or libjpeg-progs-mmx)
- Check whether Image Magick's tools convert,
mogrify, and display are installed. If not, install them
from your Linux CD-ROM set or from http://www.imagemagick.org/. (Debian package: imagemagick)
- Download album.tgz from
http://marginalhacks.com/Hacks/album/Download.html or install from your Linix CD-ROM. (Debian package album).
- Copy the album script to a place which is part of the path
variable, e.g., /usr/local/bin (of course, you need
root permissions for that) or
~/bin, if you do not want to install the program
systemwide. Type album -h in a shell
to check whether album starts. If not, you probably have to change
the first line of the album script to correctly point to the Perl
You may also want to copy the ffmpeg program to the same
place. This program can be used to generate thumbnails from mpeg
In addition, there is much more at http://marginalhacks.com/Hacks/album/
that you may want to use. In particular, you may be interested in
themes that change the appearance of the photo albums.
- Before album can be used, it must be called once to setup
some things. It is good idea to do that now.
- Check whether xzgv is already installed. If not, install
it from your Linux CD-ROM set or from http://rus.members.beeb.net/xzgv.html. Alternatively, you
could use Image Magick's display program, which is much
slower, though. (Debian package: xzgv)
- Install the jhead utility. Either get it from your distro
CD-ROM or from the web (Debian package: jhead).
If you cannot find a pre-built binary, download jhead-xxx.tgz
from http://www.sentex.net/~mwandel/jhead/,
extract the jhead-xxx directory and cd into it. Type
``make'' and copy the resulting executable file jhead to a
place where one can easily execute it, e.g., /usr/local/bin
or ~/bin. Try it out by applying jhead to some JPEG file
that has been produced by a digicam.
- Assuming that you already have downloaded tkalbum-xxx.tgz and
have extracted the files, it is now time to cd into the tkalbum
source directory, get root permissions, and type ``make install.''
This will copy the tkalbum script to /usr/local/bin and the man
file to
/usr/local/man/man1. Of course, you also can copy the
tkalbum script to any other place, e.g. ~/bin.
- You are all set and can start TKAlbum by typing
tkalbum. On its start, it will check that all component
programs are there and that they have the right version
number. You can disable this check in the General Option
Before you can do anything useful, you have to setup a root album
using the File > Set root album command. I recommend to read the
README file to get an idea what you can do with TKAlbum. I also
recommend to read the Documentation.html file in the album
directory to get an idea what you can do with the album
- Note that it is a good idea to change convert to
fconvert in the General Options menu. The
fconvert script that comes with TKAlbum is much faster
than convert for all cases we care about.
- In the same menu, it is also a good idea to replace the call to
jpegtran by a call to jpegtran-mmx if possible