Accomplished problem solver who can create new solutions to finish products
faster, easier and with higher quality.
Exceptional at figuring out how to break things to make them stronger.
Before contacting me, make sure you have an up-to-date resume.
I am currently looking for either full-time work or contract work.
I am not interested in long-term relocating from Silicon Valley.
Recruiters: Email is preferred
Home: 415.341.5555 (call between 11a-10p PST)
Computer Languages
Multi-linguistic: Fluent in C, Ruby, Perl, Java, Scheme, Verilog, various Assemblies, etc..
I often become the ruby/perl guru/resource wherever I work.
Experience with: Lisp, C++, C#, Python, Fortran, sed, yacc, shell scripting, system administration, etc..