Album: Burning-Man-photo-ripoff


Evidently one of the photos from my website has been pilfered by a number of clickbait internet pages about Burning Man. I was painting JD's top most days when we were at Burning Man in 2009, and one of those photos has been stolen a large number of times.

How do I know? I was actually reading a news article and saw the very photo from my website being advertised back to me. Very weird. So I google image searched it and found a bunch more.

It turns out that because of this, this image is (at least 2020/10) the first result if you google image search for "most beautiful burning man"

I must confess, JD is quite beautiful, so it makes sense that they'd want to steal this photo, but they certainly did it without permission.

The original photo
( comments)
Herald Weekly Ad
The first ad that I saw that caught me by surprise ( comments)
"SuperFunMaza" Facebook page
( comments)
NSFW: Josspic website
( comments)
Poplyft website
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I couldn't find the actual page,
just the ad. And the strangest ad. What are the surprising rules that have to do with these women? This would be a great way to present rules in general, no? ( comments)
Photo album generated by album script from David Madison's Marginal Hacks on Fri Nov 11 21:58:09 2022