Album: 05-26 Tampa

     Album:2009:05-26 Tampa

In between Frankie95 and Show Me Blues I decided to head over to Tampa to hang with Glenn.
Tampa's Tuesday venue
is gorgeous ( comments)
Dancing in Tampa
[photo Swingang] ( comments)
whom I met years ago at LindyGras/SoFlex? was there [photo Swingang] ( comments)
..and was a tiger
[photo Swingang] ( comments)
The end of the dance shot,
evidently a tradition [photo Swingang] ( comments)
Glenn, troublemaker Alex and self
[photo Swingang] ( comments)
Just as the flash goes,
we both stuck our tongues out, to the surprise of the other. [photo Swingang] ( comments)
So Alex needed to be punished.
[photo Swingang] ( comments)
Which were delicious 6000.
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We head out for tacos.
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Muscles or rubber bands?
You be the judge! ( comments)
We get food
and stay up late playing Monopoly. The others are, of course, heavily schooled by the master. ( comments)
At WalMart it becomes clear,
as always, that I'm in the South. ( comments)
Glenn, Adrian and I go to Safety Harbor
and take long exposure photos in the dark. ( comments)
..But I realize eery light source
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..and the artist comes out.
( comments)
..and the artist comes out.
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Glenn lights us up
by running around us with the phone. You can see his ghost in a few places. ( comments)
Then I realize I can write with light!
No photoshopping done here. ( comments)
Dashing Dave Madison!
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Chillin' on the pier
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We make another medieval/fantasy shot
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And then Adrian decides
to climb on top of me. I can't blame her, really. ( comments)
This looks like I've been stabbed
with the Slow Speed sign. ( comments)
Glenn claims to have an alligator
in the lake in his back yard. I think he's exaggerating. ( comments)
Dancing till the end.
( comments)
Photo album generated by album script a Marginal Hack written by D. Madison on Fri Nov 11 21:31:08 2022