Album: 05-06 Katie

     Album:2006:05-06 Katie

Katie J/M is leaving us. Katie is a rockstar dancer who I first met when she started dancing in Colorado, almost a decade ago. And now she's all grown up and married and taking off for Kansas with her Hubby.

Good luck, Katie M!

Thanks to a camera taking oddity,
this nostalgic photo makes Katie look like the second time I saw her. Bald. ( comments)
Pat starts to vanish
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Jeanine jumps in
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And Katie and Jeanine
fight over the lead. ( comments)
Katie leading
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Katie M!
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Which turned into hand dancing
for a bit ( comments)
I started to strip.
I'm not sure why anymore. I think it might have been funny at the time. ( comments)
Dave and Katie
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Completely unrelated to Katie's birthday..
( comments)
..Haley and I played
on the construction stuff outside the Doghouse. ( comments)
Created with the tool photo album generator from Dave Madison's MarginalHacks on Fri Nov 11 21:07:51 2022