Album: 05-23 Lindy Prom SDLX

     Album:2003:05-23 Lindy Prom SDLX
Mel and Chance
(photo by Lac - lactancio at ( comments)
Me and the Prom Queen
(photo by Lac - lactancio at ( comments)
Me and Haley from Tampa
( comments)
Mo and I
went to breakfast on Newport in Ocean Beach ( comments)
my Siemens S55 cellphone camera isn't stellar ( comments)
and we walked the beach afterwards
( comments)
Chance and Casey
one of the best dogs ( comments)
Aren't we graceful?
(Haley again) ( comments)
Mel and Chance had a jam
I danced with both of them, and gave Chance a chance to show off his Man-Swivels(tm) ( comments)
Someone had the bril..dea to play 4-Square
( comments)
Which totally ruled
(photos courtesy Andy Cheung) ( comments)
I dove for the ball..
and missed.. and ate asphalt ( comments)
But eventually became square FOUR!
( comments)
Dima, showing off his fashion sense,
with his vintage tux ( comments)
A massage line.
Guess who's in front? ( comments)
Barbara Morrison
wails ( comments)
The Prom Queen
( comments)
shows off her second tiara
( comments)
and has a jam with the Prom King
( comments)
after winning their crowns
( comments)
Lisa Rae (SD)
hides from the camera ( comments)
I'm the Prom King
with my 3 Prom Queens (notice the shirts) ( comments)
My Prom Queen
( comments)
( comments)
Our prom photo
how touching.. ( comments)
Barbara Morrison
was playing ( comments)
did I mention that she rules?
( comments)
Michelle Boyd (DC)..
( comments)
..dancing with Elliott (SF)
( comments)
Debbie (LA)..
( comments)
..and Justin (SLO)
( comments)
The white trash Prom Queen
keeps a balloon ( comments)
Haley from Tampa
( comments)
Last song of the last night:
The TimeWarp ( comments)
which many joined in [movie]
[Video, 159k] ( comments)
Including host Mel
( comments)
Done with the prom
( comments)
and walking home
( comments)
Album created by album generator a script written by David Madison on Fri Nov 11 21:16:13 2022