As an ENTP, your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you
take things in primarily via your intuition. Your secondary mode is internal,
where you deal with things rationally and logically.
ENTPs constantly look to the environment for opportunities and possibilities.
They see patterns and connections not obvious to others, and at times seem
to be able to see into the future. They are adept at generating conceptual
possibilities and then analyzing them strategically.
ENTPs are good at understanding how systems work, and are enterprising and
resourceful at maneuvering within them to achieve ther goals.
ENTPs are spontaneous and adaptable. They dislike confining schedules and
routines, and try to avoid them when possible. They are extremely insightful
about the attitudes and perspectives of others, and their enthusiasm and energy
can motivate people to support them in their visions.
They're fluent conversationalists, mentally quick, and enjoy verbal sparring
with others. They love to debate issues, and may even switch sides sometimes
just for the love of the debate. When they express their underlying principles,
however, they may feel awkward and speak abruptly and intensely.
Others see ENTPs as independent, autonomous, lively, outspoken,
assertive, enthusiastic, and energetic.
ENTPs are impressed by efficiency, intelligence, competence, and precision.
They're quite resourceful and ingenius, and generally are able to do anything
that has captured their interests.
If an ENTP has not developed their internal Thinking process, they may have
problems with jumping enthusiastically from idea to idea, without following
through on their plans. They need to think through their ideas fully to
take advantage of them.
The least developed area for the ENTP is the Sensing-Feeling arena.
If the Sensing
areas are neglected, the ENTP may tend to not take care of details in their
life. If the Feeling part of themself is neglected, the ENTP may not value
other people's input enough, or may become overly harsh and aggressive.
Under stress, the ENTP may lose their ability to generate possibilities,
and become obsessed with minor details. These details may seem to be of
supreme importance to the ENTP, but in reality are usually not important to
the big picture.
In general, ENTPs are enthusiastic innovators. They live in the world of possibilities,
and become excited about concepts, challenges and difficulties. When
stimulated by a challenge, they're good at improvising and quickly come
up with creative solutions to a wide range of problems. Creative, clever,
curious, and theoretical, ENTPs have a broad range of possibilities in
their lives.